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A closer look at the prize eggs.  Fro $5.99 plus tax (you can use your AP discount) you get a map, stickers, and a prize egg.
A closer look at the prize eggs. Fro $5.99 plus tax (you can use your AP discount) you get a map, stickers, and a prize egg. Click to switch to large image view
You can redeem your map in Elias & Co and pick up your prize egg.
You can redeem your map in Elias & Co and pick up your prize egg. Click to switch to large image view
This year it seemed more eggs were inside stores.  Here is Donald.   At the end of this picture set I will have a spoiler filled look at all the egg locations.  But for those that are planning to do the hunt I will only show a couple before then.
This year it seemed more eggs were inside stores. Here is Donald. At the end of this picture set I will have a spoiler filled look at all the egg locations. But for those that are planning to do the hunt I will only show a couple before then. Click to switch to large image view